Written by Milla Zeltzer Psy.D., supervised by Cindy Speich, Psy.D. Therefore, if you praise doubt Do not praise The doubt which is a form of despair. What use is the ability to doubt to a man Who can’t make up his mind? He who is content with too few reasons May act wrongly But he […]
“It is a joy to be hidden, and disaster not to be found.” ― D.W. Winnicott (1963) Pain. Most people fear it and many go out of their way to avoid it. Our environment bombards us with messages regarding how to transcend it, or at least, hide it. We are urged to drink this beer, drive […]
Meditation is good for you. That’s the consensus. It alleviates stress and anxiety, improves health and creativity. And those benefits are just the tip of the iceberg. Just meditate and your life will improve. Voila! So, what is meditation? Distilled to its simplest: meditation is the practice of focusing the mind in order to reach […]